Among the huge variety of different poker theorems. one of the most famous is considered to be Theorem Aedzhonsa (Aejones Theorem). It is rather abstract. but it may very well help you in determining the winning odds. Interestingly. however. the fact that. despite the high popularity of the theorem. it appeared only relatively recently – at 2007-year.



The basic formula of the theorem: no one nothing.


Obviously. the approach to the review of the formula should be a poker perspective. It means that absolutely no one game is not a strong hand. On this basis. we can assume two basic statements that serve to decrypt the competent theorem:


  1. Do your opponents will not always be such a strong hand. you think about it. or they are trying to show you;
  2. Demonstrate the game aggressive style is much more profitable. rather than passive. Only this will allow the style to force your opponent to throw off his hand and gave you the pot.


Clarifying the language in the game you have to do the following: If your opponent has the ability to throw a hand on already carried out bet. then you definitely have to eё produce. However. it is important to take into account. as evidenced by this theorem essentially only in those situations where your opponents take off on rates. It follows that the higher limit of the game. the more efficient is the game Aedzhonsa theorem.


Of course. like almost any other theorem. opening Aedzhonsa abstractly. but in part eё positions can be very useful for learning the art of poker. For a reason she became so popular and has caused a storm of emotions on the forum 2+2Where for the first time and came from a user under the nickname «aejones».