Getting to learn the basics of the game in poker

Poker positions (In the pictures). you need to know for a successful poker game. Position is important in poker. because you can look at the actions of your opponents.

To help you understand the rules of poker. I will describe to you poker combinations in pictures. Combinations are presented beginning with the youngest and ending with the oldest.

To newcomers to learn poker terminology faster - will help poker dictionary.
  • Action (Stroke) - action. meaning that the turn to make a move. There are five  options moves in poker: check (check) Rate (bet). The equation rate (call) Rate increase (raise) Or re-raise (re-raise) And the card reset (fold).
HORSE Rules They include several poker games. so it is the most difficult game. In simple terms this mixed poker games. The name Horse – is an abbreviation of the English HORSE.
Rules Badugi primarily differ in their combinations. The player must collect the youngest combination of Chetyreёx cards. using cards in his hands. andёm cards must be unsuited and steam rooms.
Rules Razz on the principle of the game resemble the Seven Stud-poker. The player will need to collect the youngest five-card hand using seven cards in his hands. The lowest card in Razz is considered an ace.
Terms of draw poker 2 before 7 (Or lowball) are very similar to the rules Five Card poker. Only here do not need to collect the older and low hand using five cards in their hands.
Rules stud (Seven-card poker) differ from other forms of poker. the fact that each player has four cards open and three closed. That requires good care and mathematical podschёComrade.

Rules of the game: Collect five-card hand using seven cards in his hands.